Save electricity with OASE’s Eco pond products

With the best values
You can rely on it: Our filter and watercourse pumps from the AquaMax Eco product family are particularly cost-efficient. We have even tested this for you in comparison with other manufacturers.
In the following you will find a comparison of the pure energy consumption* in five years as well as a calculation of the total costs* (purchase, maintenance and electricity costs) in five years - because that is how long the OASE total warranty is valid.
We start with the category from 10,000 liters per hour, in which our AquaMax Eco Premium 10000 model comes out on top in both cases:
Energy costs comparison
Total cost comparison
Our AquaMax Eco Premium 16000 model also takes the top spot in our comparison, this time in the category from 15,000 liters per hour:
Energy costs comparison
Total cost comparison
*Comparison of energy costs and total costs: The diagrams show the energy consumption of the pumps during a runtime of five years, extrapolated to a permanent runtime of 24 hours on 365 days per year at an average electricity price of 36ct/kWh. The underlying measured values originate from an in-house determination of the pump characteristic curve of three specimens per pump type, carried out by OASE GmbH, as well as in the total cost comparison, taking into account the non-binding price recommendations of the manufacturers (source country: Germany). In the total cost comparison, in the case of 2-year warranties, any necessary wear and tear/repair was mapped at an average of 1.5 times the recommended retail price. In the case of three-year warranties, a correspondingly higher level of reliability was assumed, which is why no flat rate for wear and tear was included here. The five-year period was chosen due to the highest available total warranty of the compared manufacturers.