Pond fleece

A pond protective membrane made of PES synthetic fibre reliably protects the pond liner against stones and root penetration (except bamboo). The membrane is cut to size and, when creating a lined pond, it should be laid out to complement the sand substructure under the pond liner. The membrane distributes load points over a larger area and thus protects the liner from damage.
Cut fleece to size
The flexible material can be easily cut to size with an off-the-shelf pair of scissors.
Full coverage protection
When laying out, ensure that you line the entire pond with fleece, even extending beyond the edge of the pond.
Lay out fleece
Finally, lay out the contours of the pond and ensure that the fleece carefully fills-out all curvatures and corners. The solid basis of your pond is finished.
Determine the fleece requirement
The size of the fleece is based on the depth and length of the pond.